AboFlame WN EXTRA is a general water-based flame retardant for cellulose and polyester based materials.
Fabrics treated with AboFlame WN EXTRA are safe for both humans and the environment during the complete life cycle. This is because all its components occur naturally in our environment. AboFlame WN EXTRA is particularly popular with companies that find caring for the environment important.
AboFlame WN EXTRA is a general flame retardant for cellulose and polyester based textiles, such as cotton, viscose, bamboo and flax and/or mixtures with polyester or only based on polyester. Typical applications for AboFlame WN EXTRA can be found in home textiles and building materials.
AboFlame WN EXTRA is a general flame retardant for cellulose and polyester based textiles, such as cotton, viscose, bamboo and flax and/or mixtures with polyester or only based on polyester. Typical applications for AboFlame WN EXTRA can be found in home textiles and building materials.